
2018年1月19日—HiFolks.ChromegotrecentlytheParallelDownloadFeature.Wouldn'titbeitbeawonderfulideatohavethisinFFaswell?,2020年9月18日—Thisiswhatisknownas”paralleldownloads“.Insteadofdownloadingasinglefile,whichcanbeslower,paralleldownloadsdividethefile ...,2021年7月31日—OnGoogleChromeorChromiumicanenabletheparalleldownloadandthedownloadmorestableandfaster.Willtherebeanyfuturebuiltin ...,2023年10...

Can we have the Parallel Download Feature too?

2018年1月19日 — Hi Folks. Chrome got recently the Parallel Download Feature. Wouldn't it be it be a wonderful idea to have this in FF as well?

Download Faster with Chrome and Firefox

2020年9月18日 — This is what is known as ” parallel downloads “. Instead of downloading a single file, which can be slower, parallel downloads divide the file ...

Firefox parallel download like google

2021年7月31日 — On Google Chrome or Chromium i can enable the parallel download and the download more stable and faster. Will there be any future built in  ...

How to Enable Parallel Downloading in Chrome

2023年10月28日 — A step-by-step guide on how to enable parallel downloading on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers to improve download speeds.

How to Enable Parallel Downloading in Different Browsers

2023年8月10日 — How to Enable Parallel Downloading in Mozilla Firefox · Open Mozilla Firefox, type about:config in the search bar, and press Enter. · Click the ...

How to enable Parallel Downloading in different browsers ...

2023年9月4日 — Open Firefox Beta or Firefox Nightly on your Android device and type about:config in the search bar. · Enter the command network.http. · Tap on ...

How to Enable Parallel Downloading in Firefox to Speed ...

2023年6月11日 — To enable parallel downloading, double-click on the flag or right-click and select “Modify.” In the dialog box that appears, change the value to ...

Multithreaded Download Manager - Firefox Add-ons

2022年10月16日 — Download files and read and modify the browser's download history; Open files downloaded to your computer; Display notifications to you; Access ...

Parallel download feature to accelerate download speeds

The download manager should have a Parallel Download Feature to accelerate download speeds. I don't know if it is planned to leave this feature to add-on ...

Supercharge Your Downloads

2023年6月11日 — Step 1. Open up your Firefox browser and type “about:config” in the address bar. Hit Enter, and you'll be directed to the browser's advanced ...